Message By Bishop

In the Name of the Holy and Blessed Trinity

Blessings to all the web-readers of Georgian Pilgrim Centre, Ichilampady, Puthur Tq, Karnataka.
Dearly Beloved,

Steadfastness in faith and courage in suffering are the two marks of true Christians or Devotees of God as we read in the Holy Bible(Acts 14;22). These two marks made St. George, our Patron Saint of this Pilgrim Centre, also glorious in Christ, in the Holy Church and among believers and others irrespective of caste and creed. The intercession of St. George like any other saints should lead us to true faith in God and willingness to suffer and lead a life of repentance, holiness, perfection that is perfected in perfect and selfless love and compassion or mercy. True religious life is faith and eternal life (Moksha) oriented and not miracle oriented. Miracles occur in the life of devotes and believers as and when it needs as God wills in order to strengthen and deepen their faith and dependence on God and not for the sake of miracle and publicity.

May the intercession of St. George be a refuge and fortress to us.
May God bless you all.

Yours servant in the Lord
Bishop Yakob Mar Elias(Mount Horeb Bishops house)
Metropolitan, Diocese of Brahmavar-Mangalore