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St George Orthodox Syrian Church.Ichilampady located in Ichilampady Village. It is about 8 KM away from nelyady 10 KM away from Kadaba. This church is considered and accepted by all the people here in south Canara District of Karnataka. Many People were visiting this church from morning to evening.So intercession power of St George here helped too many in wipe out in their worries. Here People are coming without cast or religion differences. So the church here considered being spiritual power source to many in their needy situations.
Ichilampady St George Orthodox Syrian Church was started in 1953 by the active initiation of families who came hailed from Kerala for the Agriculture with the leadership of Late. Rev.Fr.Thomas Vadakkedath celebrated Holy Qurbana in the bamboo shed. Later Late.Rev.Fr Zachariah who came along with Late Lamented H.G. Pathrose Mar Osthathiose took charge of this church. Later Late.Rev.Fr A Jacob who served here. During his period he was in charge of other churches here nearby and his valuable service helped in constructing a small church building and served here in the difficult situations. Several priests served in between the periods of Late.Rev.Fr Zachariah and Late.Rev.Fr A Jacob. Later Late Rev.Fr.V Mathews (Joy Achen) Served here for long 11 years and helped in the development of parish. During the period old cross tower, electrification all done initially. Later Rev.V Mathews Cor- Eppiscopa (Manikulam Achen) took charge as Vicar and served for long 18 Years.
In the name of the Holy and Blessed Trinity
Blessings to all the web-readers of Georgian Pilgrim Centre, Ichilampady, Puthur Tq, Karnataka.
Dearly Beloved,
Steadfastness in faith and courage in suffering are the two marks of true Christians or Devotees of God as we read in the Holy Bible(Acts 14;22). These two marks made St. George, our Patron Saint of this Pilgrim Centre, also glorious in Christ, in the Holy Church and among believers and others irrespective of caste and creed. The intercession of St. George like any other saints should lead us to true faith in God and willingness to suffer and lead a life of repentance, holiness, perfection that is perfected in perfect and selfless love and compassion or mercy.
The Indian Orthodox Church was founded in the state of Kerala, in India, by St. Thomas the Apostle, around 52 AD. It is one of the ancient Churches of the world.
The Indian Orthodox Church is Eastern in origin and Asian-African in its moorings. It is neither Western, nor Reformed. It is not Roman Catholic or Protestant. The Indian Orthodox Church is autonomous, but belongs to the family of the Oriental Orthodox Churches, and to the wider group of the world’s Orthodox Churches, which have a membership of about one hundred and twenty five million.
Earlier this Church was under Outer Kerala Diocese under the Leadership of Late Lamented H.G. Pathrose Mar Osthathiose, Later under Late Lamented H.H. Baselios Marthoma Mathew I and then outer Kerala Diocese devided to Madras .Late Lamented Zacharias Mar Dyonisius was the Metropolitan during the period. H.G.Yakob Mar Irenios became successor to Late Lamented Zacharias Mar Dyonisius. Later Madras Diocese devided to Bangalore Diocese.
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വിശുദ്ധ ഗീവരുഗ്ഗീസ് സഹദാ
ക്രിസ്തു യേശുവിന്റെ നല്ല ഭടനായി നീ എന്നോടൊപ്പം കഷ്ടം സഹിക്കുക ( 2 തിമോത്തിയോസ് 2:3) എന്നുള്ള പ.പൗലോസ് ശ്ലീഹായുടെ ആഹ്വാനം അക്ഷരാര്ത്ഥത്തില് ജീവിത ശൈലിയാക്കിയ വിശുദ്ധ ഗീവര്ഗ്ഗീസ് സഹദാ മൂന്നാം നൂറ്റാണ്ടിലെ ഉത്തരാര്ദ്ധത്തില് (എ.ഡി 275-ല്) കപ്പദോക്യായിലെ ക്രൈസ്തവ കുടുംബത്തില് ജനിച്ചു. പിതാവ് ജെരൊന്റിയോസ് റോമന് സൈന്യത്തില് സമര്ത്ഥനായ ഭടനായിരുന്നു.ഡയോക്ലീഷ്യയന് ചക്രവര്ത്തിയുടെ അധികാര കാലായളവില് ക്രിസ്ഥിയാനികള് അനുഭവിച്ച, പീഡയുടെ ഫലമായി പാലസ്തീനിലെ ഡയാസ്പ്പോലീസിലെ ലിഡ്ഡാ എന്ന സ്ഥലത്തിലാണ് എ.ഡി 303- ല് സഹദാ രക്ത സക്ഷി മരണം പ്രാപിച്ചത്.